I parted ways with my legal representative in Ukraine this week. Yes, he’s a great guy and we’ll probably always be friends, but professionally, I don’t think we’d be seeing each other again. It wasn’t a drawn-out fight. It was more of a fizzle when we both realized we weren’t what the other needed. Sometimes…
Category: The Ukraine Files
Difficult decisions
Life is all about making choices, and then living with the consequence of those choices. Some of those choices are easy and some are not. And then there are choices that you simply can’t make! Right now, I am at one of those decision points. On the one hand, I have my family, friends, career,…
All (red) taped up and nowhere to go
I have an issue. I want to qualify for a D-style visa in Ukraine, enabling me to run a small business as a backyard farmer, and put out some video content every week or so. However, I am stuck in some seriously sticky red tape. It’s a case of being neither here nor there. On…
Extinguishing the Fires in the Country of My Heart
Once again, this morning, Dnipro is under attack by the dark forces from orcistan. People are dead and wounded and there is damage to property worth millions! Of any decent currency! Not for the first time I wish for the power of telekinesis/portation to deflect the missiles and install the anti-air batteries that are slowly…
The three most important conditions for my move to Ukraine
The downside to living in the Information Age is the real risk of information overload. Where in the past my detractors might have been well-meaning relatives and friends, now there are Internet Experts who write blogs and tell me how, why, and in what order to live my life so as not to fail spectacularly….
The other side of clouds – airborne hooligan!
Somewhere over Poland, I took a picture out of the airplane window. It was not the first time that I saw clouds from above, but these were foreign clouds, so that made them special. I can’t recall whether this was my second or third flight of the day. All I can say is that long…
I love it when a plan (finally) comes together!
I made a mess of my flight tickets for this trip, relying on a scammy operator. The consequences of that are that I had to repurchase my flight tickets at double the original price, albeit from a reliable source this time. Lesson learnt? Be prepared to pay a bit more to actually get what you…
Catching up… and the latest on my trip to Ukraine in April
December and January aren’t good months for blogging. Well, they’re probably not BAD months for blogging either, but in my case, those two months did not leave me any time to get in front of my computer keyboard and WRITE. That said, I had the goal of adding something to my blog daily, so that…
A day without water, and other fun events in South Africa
At the time of writing, it has been 48 hours that most of my town has been without water. I have checked the level of our supply source and at more than 90% full, it’s unlikely that a lack of water is the reason for the cut. Rather, I suspect that years of mismanagement have…
Of orcs and sticky red tape…
I am irritated with life in general. And my goal of going to Ukraine feels like “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back” right now. It’s like when I first did my Big Hairy Audacious Goal layout for my backyard farm (the Ukrainian version). To meet the goal, you need to take step A. To be…