No, dear readers, I have not forgotten my original dream of buying a small house on a large property and turning it into a backyard homestead. On the contrary, that dream is stronger than ever before, combined with the desire to support neighbors and local businesses as much as possible. And – well, duh! –…
Category: Travels
Why am I planning to build up a Unimog U1300L Expedition Vehicle, as opposed to a pickup or van camper?
It’s a valid question, especially once you consider all the ramifications of this build. After everything is said and done, it would have been so much EASIER to simply modify a pickup truck or a van, and I would not have needed to get a new driver’s license, either! But there are a few reasons,…
What would it cost to build a Unimog Expedition Vehicle?
As I told my best friend in the whole wide world earlier today, I’m the kind of girl who does things first and worries about the sums working out afterward. But in the case of this goal, it is important to know exactly what I am letting myself in for, price-wise. After all, it would…
Raising seed capital for my Expedition Vehicle fund, one beer bottle at a time
It has been proven by some anonymous social scientists that people would rather give money to a beggar with a few coins in his bowl than to one who has nothing at all. If I want people to help me, I need to work, too! As simple and as complicated as all that! I have…
Octobering in Rustenburg
What’s happening in my life this October? Well… My mom gave me a fur coat. (No, PETA people, not a real, literal fur coat, although I won’t mind wearing one when I’m really cold – so sue me!) Her name is Кішка and she’s 6 weeks old, give or take. Her favorite sleeping spot is…
I should probably feel guilty… but I really, truly don’t!
I should start by saying that this is not how I was brought up. I was taught to work hard, save up and – if necessary – take a bank loan to achieve any goal that needed funding. Crowdfunding wasn’t a thing back then, nor were angel investors. Or maybe they were, but not in…
They do it on YouTube
I am considering taking a two-pronged approach as far as spending my time, money and energy are concerned. On the one hand, I want to buy that small property in Portugal, but I also want to purchase a truck and convert it into an expedition vehicle. Yes, I’m a bit greedy. It’s a “best of…
There’s just something about a stone house…
I found a stone house online this past week. It’s in a small village somewhere in central Portugal, and since the advertisement was posted recently enough, I have a suspicion that the photographs truly reflect reality. The house is built from granite stone (unlike the picture that I have picked for illustrating this post!) with…
Mindset Change: From Boring to Brave
It’s been a moment since my last post. I am very sorry for my silence. It was not intentional, but – to my defense – a lot has happened, not just in my life, but between my ears as well. If you have read any of my posts before, you would know that I am…