This July I have chosen to be unconventional. Yes, I know that the idea of a Novel Writing Month is to – well – write a novel, but I have decided that I would do just as well to get my word count up by working on this blog, instead. After all, the more posts…
Category: Reading and Writing
Pareto’s Principle in Action
It’s strange how life turns out, sometimes. Although I have known about Pareto’s Principle (The 80/20 rule!) for many years now, seeing it unfold before me is a weird kind of wonderful. I have written quite a few books, primarily novels, and one little goal-setting thing. I have one “low-content” book out, which was an…
It is done, but not completed…
NaNoWriMo 2022 is done and dusted. I submitted my final word count an hour ago, something I did not think I would do this year. I guess nothing is over until the fat lady sings, huh? The story isn’t completed yet, though, and my colleague who serves as my beta reader has pointed out some…
Everything but the book…
Ever notice that when one has a writing deadline, there are so many distractions around? Innocent things, like dishes that urgently need to be done (I hate doing dishes!) and the garden that needs watering and the Internet and Netflix, and even the interiors of houses for sale on Ukrainian OLX? I have just now…
What I did in July 2021…!
[Tap the Typewriter!]
Bullet Journaling, the best way ever to keep track of scattered thoughts!
I found a thing. It’s big. And scary. And really, really effective. And – like all things that are big, scary, and really, really effective – it’s deceptively simple to implement. The thing is called BULLET JOURNALING! I can’t really describe it – it’s not quite a To-Do list, nor is it an appointment diary,…
Damaged People
In 1992, the movie Damaged came out, starring Juliette Binoche and Jeremy Irons. It was a heavy movie, with dark themes, including incest. The movie was based on a similarly-titled book, by Josephine Hart, and there is a quote from the book (and the movie) that I have come across quite often: “All damaged people…
Getting inspired and getting going
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one…
Getting out of my head, into myself and into the moment!
Don’t tell anyone I said this because I shall deny it in the highest courts of law, but my life isn’t altogether happy. It’s not particularly sad, either. It’s just… blah! Or meh… or whatever the word is these days to describe something that’s truly boring and unsatisfying. Yes, that word. That is how my…
NaNoWriMo 2020
2020 was an interesting year. It felt like it went like January, February, March, Lockdown, NaNoWriMo, December! I had reduced working hours this year, albeit at full pay (being a government employee in South Africa has its advantages, sometimes!), which left me with a lot of time to devote to the activities that I really,…