Ever notice that when one has a writing deadline, there are so many distractions around? Innocent things, like dishes that urgently need to be done (I hate doing dishes!) and the garden that needs watering and the Internet and Netflix, and even the interiors of houses for sale on Ukrainian OLX?
I have just now realized why I have so many projects going on at once. Obviously, I can’t devote time to them all at once – they are massive and involved and just too much, even individually – but having them actually keeps me focused on at least one big goal at a time.
You see, I get bored extremely quickly. Something that was the Ultimate just a few days ago has already been set aside to make room for the next three projects. So the only way I can think of to keep projects reasonably current and relevant is to cycle through a number of them. That way, I can complete at least one of them at some point.
Most of my current projects are on ice for now, though. The reason is simple – cash flow! I don’t have debt and I like having no debt and I have absolutely no intention of going into debt just to fund a project, so there’s that. But my salary is also not going to pay for what I need to do to make things happen. So…
The books that I write and sell will have to pay for just about everything else. They will also have to provide me with the required passive income that I will need if I ever REALLY decided to move abroad. (European countries are big on passive income, these days!) And books don’t write themselves in one week, despite what the so-called gurus are pontificating. Not if they’re good books without spelling and grammatical errors, anyway!
I have not set any Birthday Goals this year. I guess I would have to join the rest of the world on January 1st. But – God willing – 2023 is going to be a busy year. I’ve already missed many milestone deadlines, so I will have to make up for them. I don’t see much sleep in my future…
Now you know.
They say that one should not share one’s goals and dreams with the world. I’m not. Bluntly put, I don’t think this blog has a massive following, or that I am even remotely close to being an influencer of any description or by any broad definition of the word, so I feel safe putting my goals and dreams and hopes, and fears in this blog. The chance of any saboteur seeing them here is relatively low, but so – to my immense chagrin – is the chance of being spotted by one of those angel investors. I guess you can’t have your bread buttered and jammed on both sides and expect cheese and cold meat, too!
Anyway, back to my book… Let’s see if the muse has returned from his tea break, shall we?