NaNoWriMo 2022 is done and dusted. I submitted my final word count an hour ago, something I did not think I would do this year. I guess nothing is over until the fat lady sings, huh? The story isn’t completed yet, though, and my colleague who serves as my beta reader has pointed out some…
Month: November 2022
Life is weird… and then I blog about it!
I don’t frequently visit my stats page, because I find it rather depressing being the only one to ever visit my blog site, but when I do – like tonight – I find some interesting peculiarities. One is that the bot that is in charge of the stats puts this computer in Pretoria, a city…
A bit of a writing exercise while I wait…
The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that he would feel free to call back everyone who is currently in exile once the missile threat to his country has been all but eliminated. That is also my cue. Whether I like it or not, I shall have to go on a scouting mission to Ukraine…
Yesterday, I was all for giving up… but then I tried once more.
Sometimes, a goal simply seems to be too big to handle. When you’re a do-it-yourselfer like me, it’s challenging to delegate work. The mantra “if it’s to be, it’s up to me” has been pounded into my mind from a very early age. Yes, that’s a good thing, but it has its detriments as well….
And so it begins… Strengthening my resolve
No, dear readers, I have not forgotten my original dream of buying a small house on a large property and turning it into a backyard homestead. On the contrary, that dream is stronger than ever before, combined with the desire to support neighbors and local businesses as much as possible. And – well, duh! –…
Everything but the book…
Ever notice that when one has a writing deadline, there are so many distractions around? Innocent things, like dishes that urgently need to be done (I hate doing dishes!) and the garden that needs watering and the Internet and Netflix, and even the interiors of houses for sale on Ukrainian OLX? I have just now…