Over the past ten years, I have made serious judgment errors. And one of them cost me almost my entire gemstone collection, none of which I can replace. A few weeks ago, I decided to start rebuilding a collection, slowly but surely. I won’t get the same gemstones or deals, but I’m also not the…
Category: Generally Speaking
Asking for money
Running a blog isn’t free, especially if it doesn’t attract lots of visitors (yet). And visitors are exactly what you need if you want to get into the more profitable affiliate marketing programs. I had a different method of soliciting donations before, but it soon became clear that that wouldn’t work. It was time for…
Little Boxes… and Insecurities!
Little boxes on the hill side, little boxes made of ticky-tacky. Little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. There’s a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one, And they’re all made out of ticky-tacky, and they all look just the same. (Malvina Reynolds, 1900-1978) This song,…
Life is weird… and then I blog about it!
I don’t frequently visit my stats page, because I find it rather depressing being the only one to ever visit my blog site, but when I do – like tonight – I find some interesting peculiarities. One is that the bot that is in charge of the stats puts this computer in Pretoria, a city…
Providence Moving
“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred… Unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” – J.W. Goethe I am a Christian. The mere fact that I write…
Announcement: I’ve added a Donations Page to this blog!
After much thought, I have decided to add a Donations Page to this blog. It’s not just that I want to make a bit of money from what I am writing (of course, that too!) but I have too many projects that would need funding just to get off the ground. Once they are up…
I have a shop!!!
I will let you in on a little secret… as of last weekend, I have a shop on this blog of mine! But before you start jumping up and down and wondering where you have last seen your credit/debit card, I must also confess that it isn’t operational. Yet. I have opened a (free) account…
The Great Reset – Why the Great Panic?
2020 was an interesting year. Not only did the whole world have to deal with a Supersized Flu Virus, but I can’t remember ever reading or hearing more conspiracy theories in any one year before this one. The latest and greatest of them all are all about the Great Reset, which would herald in the…
Introductions are in order, methinks…
If this is your first time dealing with me, then I shall extend my most heartfelt condolences. I am never, ever good, as being good and having fun are, more often than not, not compatible concepts and I definitely prefer the latter. From time to time I am sweet, but that usually involves the consumption…