If this is your first time dealing with me, then I shall extend my most heartfelt condolences. I am never, ever good, as being good and having fun are, more often than not, not compatible concepts and I definitely prefer the latter. From time to time I am sweet, but that usually involves the consumption of either chocolate or condensed milk.
I am a bookworm, a writer, a handicrafter, and a rebel. Those traits were always dormant, but 2020 gave them oxygen and wings and I think I am a better person because of that. My drug of choice is caffeine and I definitely prefer feline companionship to human company.
I have big dreams and crazy goals and am going to work extremely hard to make them real. I’ll keep some of them private, but the really big ones will be shared. Not only will that give you an excuse to cheer me on, but seeing goals in writing, accompanied by photographs or other visual aids, helps to keep me focused, so the updates serve everyone equally.
My main goal with this blog is to keep my family and friends from all over the world up to speed with what I am up to, to promote some projects and causes that I sincerely believe in, and – without apology – to make some money in the process. I might have joined this bandwagon a bit late, but then rather late than never, as “they” say.
That’s it for now. It’s almost midnight on this cold First of Spring and it’s time for hooligans to get to bed. Beauty sleep, and all that! Chat again later! Keep well!