I parted ways with my legal representative in Ukraine this week. Yes, he’s a great guy and we’ll probably always be friends, but professionally, I don’t think we’d be seeing each other again.It wasn’t a drawn-out fight. It was more of a fizzle when we both realized we weren’t what the other needed. Sometimes that’s…
Tag: Commitment
Difficult decisions
Life is all about making choices, and then living with the consequence of those choices. Some of those choices are easy and some are not. And then there are choices that you simply can’t make! Right now, I am at one of those decision points. On the one hand, I have my family, friends, career,…
X has spoken!
I put out a question on Social Media today: I need advice. How does one overcome the “fear of failing” part of making a major life change? Or is it simply a matter of closing your eyes and jumping? @gterplaasboer, on Twitter And do you know what the majority (100%) of the responses were? JUST…
It finally hurts enough!
There’s a story that I’ve heard told at a few business conferences before, about a young salesman that goes to visit a prospective client on the farm. While they are having coffee, the young man notices the family basset hound howling non-stop. “Why is the dog howling like that?” he wanted to know. “Oh, him,”…
The hidden costs of purchasing a property in Ukraine
Many years ago, I was in a car with some friends. One of the ladies worked as an accountant at a mining company and she made a remark that I still remember. She said: “Most young people buy property and they think that the purchase price is the real amount. They don’t figure in the…
And the documents are off!
I entered the DHL office here in Rustenburg with a sense of trepidation. Yes, I had confirmed that this world-renowned courier service was active in Ukraine, but that was weeks ago. What if things have changed? My fear was unfounded, though. Not only was I treated to extremely friendly service, but the cost worked out…
Little by little, it all comes together – homesteading on the journey to losing weight
My mom phoned me yesterday, extremely excited! “You must see this!” she exclaimed. “Rieks (her youngest sister) and Rod (Rieks’s husband) have lost so much weight with this Banting diet! And it’s all the things you like, too!” Truth be told, I’ve never really been interested in Banting. To me, it seemed like an unhealthy…
Closing my eyes and taking the first step: creating an LLC in Ukraine
Adulting is excruciatingly difficult! But I guess I had to grow up at some point, and take responsibility for the rest of my life. That doesn’t mean that I have to like the process, though. Not even on Mondays…
Release the Hooligan!!!
It’s 3 January 2023, the start of a brand new year. Most traditions have this image of the “OLD year” (an old man) handing over the torch to the “NEW year” (depicted by a baby). Well, this is how my year started… I had a “key scare” this morning. My work keys got lost,…
Singhiozzo Italiano (Italian Hiccups)
EDIT: I was wrong – buying a property would make the application process easier, but it has to be a habitable property, and I suspect to a certain value, as well. So buying a €6500 fixer-upper won’t pass muster. Back to the drawing board…