There are some words in my vocabulary, that – strung together in a certain order – cause panic reactions in the people that know me well. That some of those people are on the other side of the planet, doesn’t really influence things. They still feel the fear…
The words are
I have been thinking…
This year, I am making it even worse for those poor members of society, as I plan to apply them to my birthday goals for 2020/21.
Some people do goal setting from calendar year to calendar year, or from one school year to the next, but I prefer to do birthday goals. These are my personal “yearly” goals, and – like New Years’ resolutions – I try to limit them to five at the most and not make them too much of a cliché. That way, I know I shall reach at least one of them.
Here goes, in no particular order of importance:
- Remove at least 10% of my current body weight in a six-week HealthPointe cycle. Keep it off!
- Finish and publish the “Women of Camelot” Series. (Morgana and Guinevere of Camelot)
- Bottle at least 10 different meads. Enter into at least 2 mead competitions.
- Earn enough from other sources to justify me resigning from my full-time job.
- Completely declutter my apartment, one room at a time!
These goals all look deceptively simple, but none of them are easy. Not for me, anyway. So, let’s get them going and see how far we can get in the 11 months that are still left of this year!
Wish me luck! And pray for everyone else!