I am typing extra slowly and carefully today, and my Grammarly extension is yelling at me non-stop! The reason is that I bought a new wireless keyboard-and-mouse set today and am still getting used to the new compact keyboard. So many miss-types. (Please forgive any that slip through!)
I am currently in a waiting season in my life. It’s no fun. When the angels were doling out patience, I overslept, so by the time I got to the front of the queue, nothing was left. However, the supervisor angel took pity on me and gave me a double helping of pure stubbornness! Mostly, that suffices, but right now, patience would have been the better personality trait to possess.
I still haven’t received my passport. I suppose the message will come through either tomorrow or next week. Passports normally don’t take long to process and create. Then I can light some fire under my “man of business” (such a nice, Barbara Cartland-ey phrase!) in Ukraine to send me the documents to grant him the power of attorney so that he can apply for a Ukrainian tax number on my behalf. That tax number is critical because, without it, I can not conduct any business in Ukraine. And I mean NOTHING! Not even registering for online shopping.
I have seen a spooky little cottage online that I am interested in, too. Very Wednesday Addams, in my not-so-requested opinion, and I don’t want to lose the opportunity to purchase it. Even if I can’t live there right now, at least the property will be mine! Then I can use that address for registering the company that I need in order to be able to apply for a work permit. Very, very convoluted and involved, but if those are the hoops, I’ll jump through them in style!
Hence the “man of business in Ukraine…”
I’m not sitting idle while I wait, though. I have found a site on the Internet that teaches a whole variety of languages, Ukrainian being one of them. I’m not fluent yet by any stretch of the imagination, but the spaced repetition helps me to remember words and phrases a lot better than if I took a quick language course. And not just the “baby phrases”, either!
The phone app is like a game, which makes perfect sense, and that helps a lot, too!
Apparently, Ukrainian was the language most widely studied on Duolingo in 2022. Interesting and very good to know.
Like before, I am now going to take out my begging bowl. The property that I want to purchase costs about $3000, all said and done (including any and all legal and administrative fees). I can afford much of that myself without taking on debt but not everything. Any contributions of small change would be welcome. Please click HERE if you want to add to this or any other of my projects. Thanks in advance.