Many years ago, I was challenged to design my perfect life. I couldn’t do it at the time, and about ten years have passed since then. However, I saw a few video clips on this morning, and this woman is living her dream life! No, she isn’t rich, by the conventional definition of the word, but she has wealth beyond measure in every other way.
She lives in rural Maine, in a small cottage she shares with her dog, a chihuahua. They have a life of peace and gratitude, and it shows.
That is what I want for me. The only difference is that my “rural Maine” will be “a village in Ukraine” (and yes, it rhymes!). The rest will be pretty much identical, down to the climate! And I shall have a cat or two, not a lap dog. But to each their own, I suppose.
I want to live a peaceful existence, going out in the world to take pictures and videos of beautiful things that fill my heart and spirit with joy. Maybe I’ll share them with others, maybe not, but that would be by my own choice, not one foisted upon me.
I’ll grow most of my own food, eating as my body demands it of me. The same goes for sleep. Some days I might need to sleep a lot and other days less. And the hours may be weird, but once again that will be my own choice.
I’ll make money from the books and blogs that I write, sharing experiences and beautiful things with the world through YouTube clips every week and making them jealous of what I have, even though it cost very little to acquire.
I am the first to admit that it wouldn’t be an easy feat to achieve. And all of the people that are currently in my life (with one or two exceptions) will think that I am stark raving mad! I mean, who uproots their lives to go and live ten thousand Kilometers away in a country that is pretty much a war zone at the time of writing? I know nobody there, the language is foreign in every sense of the word and the culture is… well… strange!
But if I don’t do it now, then when? And I really can’t see myself regretting anything in the near to medium future. I love South Africa, but it doesn’t take a medium with a crystal ball to see it going to the dogs. That happens as I live and breathe on a daily basis. If I want to get out with my soul intact, I should do it as soon as possible. That is why I am getting a head start. The moment the last shell falls, I shall be there to help pick up the rubble, comfort the living, and help restore what has been lost.
That is what I feel called to do. And that is the call I shall answer to.
Today, I am not going to ask for any donations. That doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to send me some small change from the bottom of your pocket. But what I want from you are your thoughts. What would constitute your ideal life? Is it money? Is it fame and recognition? Or is it a simple existence with peace in your home and in your heart? Let me know in the comments.